Monday, January 24, 2011

Time to Get Started on the Reason We're Here! (Monday, January 24,2011)

At this point...I'm feeling like I've been on vacation...and a little guilty.  It's time to work...time for the reason we came.  We began with devotions from Carol Turner...devotions is always wonderful way to start any day...but especially here.  To remind us why we're here and that it's not about us. 

The new members of the team must be a little apprehensive at this point...we've fellowshiped and have gotten to know each other a little better but now starts the work...and although crazy at times...there is somewhat of an organized chaos to the days. 

"And all of us, as with unveiled face (because we) continued to behold (in the Word of God) as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree to another; (for this comes) from the Lord (Who is) the spirit.  - 2 Corinthians 3:18

This piece of scripture came out of my devotional book I took with me to the seemed only fitting to apply it to Mondays work day...the beginning of the week.  A week of sore backs, legs, weariness as the week progresses...but today...we are here to empty ourselves and shine the light of Jesus to all that we meet...even each other.  It's been a wonderful couple days getting to know each other.  Some of us shared in 2 worship services together on Sunday.  We strengthen bonds with old friends and begin to start with new ones. 

But on this day...those non-medical will find their niche' in the mission...those that are medical...will also shine the Light of Jesus in ways that have nothing to do with their trade.  It's about gifts of the heart, the spirit, and the soul.  It's about looking into the eyes of these people...seeing their fear, seeing their pain, and understanding they are our sisters and brothers in Christ.

For some people...well, they're stepping way beyond their comfort zone.  They'll probably realize things about themselves on this trip they never would have thought...things about where God is?  What they believe?  They'll realize....that we are so bold to think we're "doing" for these people and WE are bringing Christ to them...when all along...He's already there and through their eyes, we'll encounter Jesus Christ.

I leave with so much more than I give every year.  I leave with an empty heart full of love.  A realization of how my life in the states is full of clutter and non-essential 'stuff.'  I think I've said it before...Here...I feel I am the person Christ calls me to be.  You either humble yourself...or you're miserable among the heat, work, and missing home.  You have to look beyond all that and find beauty, simplicity, and all the things that are good in the world.  You truly get to spend intimate, personal time with the Lord. 

The work of the day takes away the cleanliness of the morning shower, with the deodorant, powder, make-up...the work of the day, brings about raw sweat....body aches like you don't know...and through it all...once you've stepped beyond that selfishness person you stand on equal ground with these children of God.  They laugh as you make a mockery of trying to speak their language...but are appreciative and help you.  There are so many similarities in our lives it's's when we lay it all aside...that we truly see Him, through them...looking at us.  I only hope and pray that I show them Christ as much as they do me.

On this day...our real work begins...the reason we're here. 


Brandon Heath: Give Me Your Eyes

This is Karen, she received one of the prayer blankets from our church at Jackson Park UMC.  Our youth/kids tied the knots and prayed over this blanket.

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