Friday, January 20, 2012

Shopping, Chores, and Logistics

After sleeping in a little on Thursday morning...Kim, Susan, and I enjoyed the company of Connie and Amy for a bit.  They normally come out to sit with us so we can catch up before the busy-ness of the week starts. It's always so nice because I love them so and they are very special people.

We then ventured in the big red truck with Alexander as our driver.  This is always a great adventure shopping in the Super Mercado for the team lunches during our work week.  Lunches usually consist of peanut butter/jelly or ham/cheese sandwiches, pringles potato chips, and cookies.  We also purchased 300 lbs of beans and the same of rice.  These will be divided up into 1 lb bags and the cli
nic pharmacy will distribute next week to all the clinic patients.  Beans and simple, yet something that some may not have.  I take so much for, would I sit down to a meal of beans and rice day in, and day out?  I can't answer that.  I would like to think I could....but I dont know.     After the purchas of 50 cans of pringles, 55 packages of cookies, water, some drinks, the beans/rice...we headed back to the hotel.

Friday was a restful day since all the shopping had been done on Thursday.  We enjoyed each others company...sat and watched God's beauty all around us.