Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Need to Remember to Ride With the Window Down More.....

This day's blog wrote was a thought process that started this morning at 3:30AM....and evolved upon arrival in Santo Domingo.  It was uneventful fairly much on time. No missed flights and that 3 hr. layover in Atlanta gave Susan and I enough time to grab a bite then meet up with Kim, who came in about an hour later than us from Raleigh.  

I will have to tell you that the check-in process at the airport and stressing that your bags are too heavy....well, it's a huge relief when they tag them and send them on the conveyor belt to the huge weight lifted.  Getting into a foreign country, although this is year #9 coming into the country....exchanging American dollars for Pesos...baggage claim...hoping and praying your bags make it this year....then Customs/Immigration.  Although I know "the  drill" its still a relief when you walk out the door at the airport to find Rolando with his COPA sign.  This is the 3rd year he has picked us up and taken us on our 4-5 hr journey.

We really hadn't gotten far down the road and the air conditioner stopped working....and so the blog evolves.  It's hot....we've been rushing to get out of the airport, getting bags and going through all the legalities of traveling out of the country....3 spoiled American women who are hot and feel grubby....and the air doesn't work.  

I don't think I hesitated....rolled down my window in the back seat of the truck....I don't ride with the window down was amazing within just a few minutes how I could feel the tensions of the past stresses, life's challenges....that wind blowing through my hair and face quickly reminded me of simple, my childhood....and that I need to do this more often.

It wasn't long into the major part of Santo Domingo's busy road that Rolando banged on the dashboard....and we clearly understood "clutch!" Yep....clutch gone or something....enough of a something that we sat on the side of the road....busy busy road....3 lanes they make into 5, and we were sitting off to the side of it. Buses passing within inches....and when I say inches....I'm meaning 5-6 inches....Buses! But my window is down....and I should ride with it down more worries! Susan had just said we all came with lots of prayers and family/friends will pray the week no worries from me. I knew we were safe with Rolando and at some point or another....we would make it to Barahona.

It was really amazing how some guy just walks up almost immediately....crawls under the hood and under the truck, removes a part, Rolando runs down the street to purchase a new one and within 45 minutes....the Dominican wind, the smells of the country, and the familiar scenery along the way are underway I rode with the window open.

We talked as we got down the road how God indeed was watching over us....had that truck breakdown occurred an hour down the road....we would have been out in the middle of nowhere on a dark long 2 lane road. There is some electricity out there must mostly not....thank you Jesus....and so we rode with the windows open.

I said before how I could feel the tensions of "life" finally leaving....every mile we rode....more contentment, more peace....more thanksgiving for my blessings. I am always thankful for I know I am blessed....but sometimes we just need to remove ourselves from "busy and comfortable" to see "reality and simple".

Rolando made up he drove very fast down the road....passing through small towns with roadside selling of their countries crops, wares and stuff. I love passing through the villages! We again prayed really hard because he was driving really fast and all it would take is a blown out tire....but we didn't dwell on we rode with the windows down.

We made it safely to Playazul by 8 pm Dominican time....had some dinner and retired exhausted from our travel day.

This day....I am thankful for wonderful travel companions....laughter that we shared so much of today....realization and conversation of our blessings and safe travel. I also am reminded and hope to remember....I need to ride with the window down more often!!

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