Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tough week!

“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”
James Arthur Baldwin

Ecclesiastes 5:3
"For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words."
Dreams...according to what I've read and one really knows why we have them.  The scripture above from Ecclesiastes may shed a little light...have you read it? Do you find it interesting that those who study dreams suggest that when your body slows down to rest, your mind continues to work. The Bible says that the multitude of business will cause dreams. This could be the multitude of physical and emotional business or it could be the multitude of mental business, but either way it appears that this is what causes us to dream. Though your body settles in rest, your mind can keep right on working and thinking.

Well, I agree with this totally...and my husband would too, by the way.  It's always an interesting couple of weeks after my trips to the Dominican.  I am up during the night, taking off my pajamas, putting on clothes...stacking things on the bed, talking to people.  Yep, all the while, I'm asleep.  Trust's happen so much now, it's not funny to Michael anymore.  he expects, wait...I know he has to dread it!!

So far this week there has been plenty of the above.  You go and go and go for 12 days and then you come home and are thrown back into OUR 'real' world...HEY...where did my peeps go?  There's still work to be done...patient's to pre-op, people waking up from anesthesia...there's still work to be done people...wake up!!

I'm exhausted...I feel like I'm literally working day AND NIGHT!  

I've had a horrible week...that's me being frank and honest.  It's hard to jump back into life as we have it.  Don't mistaken me...I'm blessed...I have a wonderful job, who allows me to be away from my job each year for this joy in my life...a family who allows me to follow my heart...but after seeing simplicity and 'island time' come back home and have deadlines, dress codes, time to go, time to leave, time for this...that, I want to scream.  Some of it, which I know IS NOT...seems so trivial this week.  Seems so un-important after where we've been and what we've seen.

But...understand...this is ME talking to ME...snap out of it!!  Remember what you friend said while in the's our and there!  I can't tell you how many times this week, I've had to remind myself of this.  God's mission field is everywhere Paula...not just in the Dominican Republic.  Snap out of it!  There's work to be done....right here at home.  There's people who are in need, who are hurting...who need prayers, who need love and attention...right here in my own back door. 

Colossians 3:23
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (NIV)

Yes, this week has been hard...but I've got to allow my joy and actions shine God's light just like I did in the Dominican.  God's not done yet...and neither am I.  I have to act on my word...His word of what I believe.  I have to "walk the talk." 

God, I pray for your help...your help to 'bring me home' emotionally.  Not in such a way that I forget...but that I can continue Your work here by remembering the work there.  People are watching me...they watching to see if I show You here like I say I do there...I pray that I do.  I want to be your disciple...I know I don't have to be perfect, but I do have to be willing...and I am.  Amen